We offer you the belt of our SuperClean stainless steel corrugated conveyor, individualised and adapted for the respective bulk. Thus our conveyors obtain the optimal crushing functions for bulk-conglomerates, as well as an optimal flow up to a 90 Grad pitch angle. The production of the belt is undertaken in our own workshop.
DFor steep conveyor routes, the construction of the stainless steel corrugated sidewall conveyor is manufactured in frames. As a result, our conveyor is better suited without closed side walls, avoiding edges that might collect dirt and makes the conveyor easy accessible for uncomplicated cleaning and servicing.

We offer you our corrugated sidewall conveyor as a vertical conveyor with skips, or as a gooseneck conveyor.

Thanks to frame construction our corrugated conveyor is all round accessible and easy to clean.

The belts of our SuperClean stainless steel corrugated sidewall conveyor are manufactured from our individual home production, adapted for the particular bulk.
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